
Donjoy Defiance Pro Wearing & Maintenance Instructions

Donjoy Defiance Pro Wearing Instructions

ACL Strapping (without front thigh strap)

CI Strapping (with front thigh strap)

Common Problems and Solutions

  • There is gapping around the hinges: some gapping is normal given the size of the hinges vs your leg, however make sure you start with the brace a little higher and further back on your leg prior to putting the brace on.
  • The brace slides down when wearing it: you can start with the brace a little lower than recommended when putting it on. The hinges should be pushed further back, strap #4 and #5 can be put on tighter, but don’t tighten strap #2 and #3 on the thigh as much, this may slowly push the brace lower. The brace may hold better a little lower on some legs given muscle size and leg shape this is normal. 
  • Skin is getting red and the knee is more soar with the brace: slowly increase the time your brace is worn over the course of 1-2 weeks with progressively more strenuous activity. For example, first sit with the brace for a day or two, then start walking with progressively more time with the brace on, as you get used to this and your knee is not getting soar, then move towards increasing the time and activity ie. running or sports. It is normal for it to take 1-2 weeks to get used to a new custom knee brace.

Donjoy Defiance Pro Maintenance Instructions

Cleaning Instructions

  • use a damp cloth to wipe the brace
  • brace is fully waterproof and can be hand washed with water and/or mild soap, including all pads and liners
  • rinse the brace well with cold water to remove any soap 
  • let brace air dry 
  • don’t take off pads and straps to clean the brace, as straps placement can get mixed up
  • brace should be cleaned regularly based on type of activity and amount of sweat
  • let brace air dry after heavy use (don’t leave in bags)

If Brace Starts to Squeak

  • use air duster or air compressor to blow out dust in hinge
  • put a few drops of teflon lubricant in the back of hinge
    • don’t use WD-40 or other grease based lubricants as it can damage the hinge
    • only use teflon based lubricants
  • bend and straighten brace several times and let it sit overnight
  • repeat steps above if noise persists

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